'A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.'
- Proverbs 17:22
What does it mean to have a merry spirit? Well, to be merry means to be cheerful and lively; to be high-spirited; to be joyful. Some find it easy to have a merry spirit everyday. It looks as if nothing bothers or affects them. They take in everything, no matter what life throws their way, in a merry mood; with a cheerful attitude. Then, there are some of us that can't seem to understand this concept. We wonder how on earth can they be so merry when they're going through a divorce or when they are homeless or jobless? Can someone really be joyful everyday?
I believe it is possible but it has to be intentional in the beginning. The shared Bible verse tells us that a merry heart does good, like medicine. So, you see there are benefits in having a merry spirit. And as we can see, there are also negative consequences in having a broken spirit; it dries up the bones. Being stressed or worried can make you sick.
Here are three things you can do to help you be intentional about having a merry spirit.
1. Be intentional everyday about having a joyful attitude.
2. When things go wrong, go to God.
3. Pray about everything and be thankful for everything.
Now, may the joyfulness of the season fill your heart and spirit!
Have a very Merry-filled Christmas holiday!
Google Search: merry
www.bible.com: Bible verse