We made it! We are blessed to see a new year! Let's face it, 2023 is behind us. We have nothing but newness that lies ahead. Whether you accomplish a little or alot, I beg the question, are you ready for it?
God tells us in Isaiah 43:18-19, “But forget all that, it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland." Did you catch a glimpse of the revelation in those two verses? Yahweh said, forget last year, forget last month, nothing compares to the new things He is going to do in your life. Better yet, Yahweh says He has already started.
Are you ready for what God is doing? Are you ready to get off of the sofa and try things a new way? Are you ready to stop listening to what others say and listen to God? Are you ready to take responsibility for what is not going right in your life? Are you ready to say yes to God's will and way?
Change is coming, no doubt! But are you ready? God is doing something new, however, we have to be willing participants. We can sit cordially on the sideline doing nothing, but we have to partner with God. We have to seek His divine directions simply because He knows best. It doesn't matter how your life looks right now. Yahweh said He will make a pathway in your wilderness. Don't give up or give in! Take hold of God's hand as you walk fearfully through even the deepest and darkest moments in life.
May the God of hosts give you peace in the midst of your storms. May the joy of the Lord our God fill your hearts. May Yahweh be your strength in your time of weakness. May the God of all wisdom give you the wisdom to make right decisions and choices. May your desires align with God's desires for your life. In Jesus name. Amen
Get ready for it! God is already doing something new in your life! Claim it and receive it!