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Faith Over Fear

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9 NKJV Many of us have heard the expression "Faith over Fear" so many times that it could be stamped on our foreheads. But how many of us really believe or practice it? When times get hard and our money is much less than the monthly bills, do we put faith over fear? Or when we have been diagnosed with an illness, do we put faith over fear? Or when that child of ours decides to do something they know they shouldn't have, do we put faith over fear? Now, don't get me wrong, some fear is necessary for our safety. But I'm talking about the type of fear that can hold us back. The fear that can put a halt to everything we have dreamed or desire to do. Just to remind us, fear is false evidence appearing real. So, it may look like things are bad but when we put faith over it, then we see the reality of what we hope for; evidence of things we cannot see. In our verse for today, God is reminding us of what He told Joshua when he took over leading the people of Israel. after Moses died. When our money looks funny, we are to be strong and be of good courage. We are to trust that God has our back. He knows exactly where we are and what we need. Putting faith first despite what the doctor said. God is our Healer. When that child goes astray, God is with them. We are not to be afraid nor dismayed. We are to hold on to His hand, never letting go and believe that He is with us always. So, no matter how rough the storm may seem, we shall not fear because our faith is that God is there in the midst. Promise me that you will no longer just say the words but you will actually put "Faith over Fear" and believe the best is yet to come!


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