As a believer, has it ever occurred to you the magnitude of God Himself leaving heaven and coming to earth in the flesh?
He traded the Holies of Holy for this decaying world, for our sake. He went from having it all to having nothing of His own... He went from riches to rags.
"You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich." -(2 Corinthians 8:9 NLT) Most people we know go from rags to riches. Jesus did not own anything but the clothes and shoes He wore. He lived as a poor carpenter who came into the world to save it from its sinful self. He went from riches to rags to offer us an eternal inheritance. The Holy One became flesh to give us an abundant life.
Who could use an abundance of peace, joy, prosperity or even love? Let me be the first to raise a hand. I dare ask if any of you would voluntarily give up everything you have to live the life Jesus lived?
Our Savior went from riches to rags for our sake!