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Will It Matter?

"The things in life that really matter are things that cannot be seen." Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider

I'm reading this book titled entering his presence by Rabbi Kirt Schneider. In the book, he talked about what really matters in the end. We live today striving to accumulate things, material things mostly. When watching television, we're constantly being told to purchase items we think we need. But in actuality, we don't. We work hard to purchase a house, car, clothes, and even a vacation. When your expiration date arrives, will it matter if you're living in a mansion or a one-bedroom apartment? Will it matter if you have $100 million or $100 in the bank? Will it matter if you're driving a Maserati or a Pinto? Will it matter if you had 100 outfits or ten? Absolutely not!

In the end what really matters are the relationships formed along the way. Have you checked your relationship status lately? Especially your relationship with God our father and our Savior Jesus Christ? Jesus said no one comes until the father accepts through Him. So you see what matters is your connection with Jesus. John 14:6 says, Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me."

What matters is that we don't lose our way of striving to have treasure here on Earth. What matters is that we don't get tied up in doing things the world's way. What matters is that you love others as you love yourself. What matters is that you seek godly wisdom and not worldly wisdom. What matters is that you understand your life has a purpose. God called you to be his hands and feet in the Earth. But you don't know this because your relationship with God is little or none This distance. Will any of your efforts matter if they were not advancing the kingdom of God here on Earth? I could go on and on.

May the grace and peace of God, our father and Lord Jesus, rest, rule, and abide in you. Hallelujah! Give God some praise!


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