
VISION: To help abused women realize they were created on purpose for a purpose as they journey on the road to healing past the pain.
MISSION: To assist women who struggle with their born identity and life challenges as a result of domestic abuse. To help them regain their voice and begin to walk in their healing.
Valerie Champion is an inspirational Christian author and poet. She is the Founder of Transforming Prayers Ministry; where she offers her services as an Intercessor. Valerie understands that God has called her to pray on behalf of His people and she takes her calling seriously.
Valerie is also a Certified Christian Life Coach. Through her company Purpose. Healing. Coaching her mission is to assist women who struggle with their born identity and life challenges based on past trauma. No matter the trauma, it has the ability to drain the life out of women, leaving them in a state of brokeness. This state of brokenness results in them not recognizing who they are and who they can become. It causes them to lose their voice and shy away from speaking up for themselves.
Her mission is to help them realize they were created on purpose for a purpose.
As an entrepreneur in her own rights, Valerie is the host and content provider of the Transforming Prayers Podcast and Your Spiritual Tea Blog. She is the author of several self-published books including "It's a Spiritual Thing", a prayer manual and "Speak it Out! Live it Out!" affirmation journal.
She is passionate about her spiritual life. Her belief is that we are all here to help one another navigate through life. She believes we all have a story to share that will help inspire, encourage, and heal others.
Valerie was born and raised in Atlanta Georgia, where she graduated from the historic Booker T Washington High School in 1987. She obtained a BA in Marketing from AIU in 2006 and graduated Cuma Sum Laude. All while working a full-time job at one of four P.R.O.'s in the country. She has two grown sons and one grandson. She now resides in Douglasville Georgia.